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Education Initiatives in Nepal

Until the late 1960s, education in Nepal was only for the rich and privileged who could afford private education or had the funds to send their children to India for private schooling. Since the 1970s there has been an ongoing expansion of education initiatives in Nepal to reach into the rural areas and provide possibilities for all children.

As of now, it is estimated that 60% of the children in Nepal have the opportunity of education. The number is rising each year and the number of young girls entering school is becoming more equal to the boys. The government of Nepal is committed to the expansion of education facilities. However, their resources are limited. More than the money, which of course is one factor, teachers, headmasters and administrators have not been trained to the extent that is now needed.

HwH in conjunction with other individuals has supported the building of additional school rooms in the rural district of Talamarang. It enabled this school to expand from class 7 up until 10th grade, they now wish for our ongoing support to expand to class 12 (the highest grade before college). In addition, we have provided the salary for one additional teacher. Additionally we have now been supporting in various ways the smaller schools in the surrounding areas to expand their primary school capcities,

The Talamarang village development committee in response has been very active in contacting all the schools in their surrounding area (approximately 15 schools), to involve them in our volunteer teaching initiative. Volunteers from Western countries come to teach English in the schools for a minimum of one month. Those with professional teaching skills also train local teachers. The volunteers can donate to a particular school that requires a 'next step' expansion. Please contact us directly if you have a special interest in this education program.

There are always ongoing requests from villages for support with education - in Nepal education is seen as a privilege and an option for a better life.