
Sound of One Hand Clapping’ Benefit Concert

Geschrieben von Kira Kay am .

‘Sound of One Hand Clapping’ Benefit Concert, 

Hosted by Dagmar Marth& musician guests
September 12th, 2012, Berlin, Germany, 20.00 – 22.30hr
Passionskirche @ Marheinekeplatz 1 • 10961 Berlin

Join for an inspired evening of World Music, Poetry and Sound, all woven together creating a soundscape to uplift the audience. The evening is in benefit of the Charity ‘Hands-with-Hands, founded by Kira Kay, which supports and initiates empowering projects in Nepal. During the evening a short movie about the projects will be viewed. All musician’s donate their time freely in support of Hands-with-Hands projects. There is no entrance charge. If you feel to freely give a donation this is welcomed.