Associated Organizations
Over the past few years we have joined Hands with other Nepali organizations who are operating with intentions that are in alignment with our vision.We have been collaborating with, or supporting, them in various ways, demonstrating that many hands working together build better futures!
Here is a short summary of each of these associated organizations, and a link to each of their respective websites.
TEAM Nepal - www.teamnepal.org.np
TEAM Nepal was initiated by Neel Shahi, of Rainbow Thankas. Ever ready with a cup of tea and a chat about his next idea for his local community in Talamarang, Neel works in partnership with his nephew Bikash and other community members from Talamarang-7, a village of Sindhupalchock District. Their projects include developing and expanding the school of Talamarang; intiating a Self-Sustaining Orphan Children Home based on the HwH model; creating Health Camps in higher rural villages that ordinarily don’t have medical access; and general expansion of primary schools in the wider district of Sindhupalchock, including scholarships for schooling. (Note: post earthquake we are supporting TEAM Nepal in their relief efforts and rebuilding - especially with schools)
SMILES - www.thenationsmiles.org
Initiated by a group of young university students (since graduated), SMILES is dedicated to connecting rural villages. At the local village school they set up and help construct computer labs, powered by solar energy (electricity is often missing in rural areas). They provide computer literacy training to young and old! They also build toilets and educate about sanitation. Bringing connectivity to rural villages increases their communication options and provides access to information resources. The SMILES principle is to empower the local people so that they can further help themselves, using the additional options and resources now available to them. (Note: post earthquake we are supporting SMILES in their relief effots and rebuilding)
Initiated by Nripal Adhikary and other eco minded Nepali individuals, Abari has been innovating building with bamboo and rammed earth to provide ecological solutions to building in Nepal. Abari is passionate about educating in Nepal about sustainable building and income generation developing bamboo furniture market. Hands-with-Hands is collaborating with Abari on our next building project for our Annapurna Children Home to create a wonderful sustainable *Home* for our children as well provide an example of eco building to the local community. (Note: post earthquake we are supporting Abari in their relief efforts of rebuilding)
NEPAL TIBET TOURS & TREKS - http://www.nepaltibetnow.com/
We can highly recommend the services of Birendra Adhikari and his team at “ Nepal Tibet Tours & Treks” http://www.nepaltibetnow.com/ for all your Nepal (&Tibet & Bhutan!) travel needs. Birendra has 17 years experience and works with qualified guides and takes care of porters and all staff with integrity. Trekking in Nepal mountains is an awesome bucket list experience! However maybe you did not know about other adventures? For example white water rafting, rock climbing, jungle safaris as well other adventure based activities? Plus the spiritually historical cultural places in Nepal, many of them world heritage sites, that can evoke your own spiritual understanding to mature and evolve as you interact with one of the ancient cultures on earth. Birendra can liaise directly with our Hands with Hands projects for you to visit directly with your Trekking group as a part of your visit in Nepal and he can help book appropriate and safe hotels and local travel to meet your needs. Birendra can arrange a German speaking (or other languages) guide if you require. If you have any interest in Tibet and Bhutan he is very experienced organising these tours, which require detailed support and can compliment your Nepal travels. We highly recommend that if you trek in Nepal mountains please use a certified guide and be safe – guide books unfortunately do not give the truth, all routes in Nepal are safest with a guide as well it is culturally educational and benefiting the local economy. We wish for your long life and return visits!
SEEING HANDS - www.seeinghandsnepal.org
Established and run by UK-qualified massage therapists, Rob and Susan Ainley, this initiative makes an active difference to blind Nepali citizens. SEEING HANDS provides massage training for blind people, and has developed a social business that then employs the trained therapists. Additionally, some of the trainees are now teaching the next generation of blind therapists. Their massages are available to tourists and to locals.